Display Multiple Lines in a Cell

Sometimes the text for your column heading is wider than the data in the column. A column heading require a much wider column than the numeric data below it and need lot of space. Rather than having a column that is too wide just to accommodate your heading, you can split your heading into multiple lines within a single cell.

Here’s one option:

  1. Select the cell where you want the heading to appear
  2. Type the first line of data
  3. Press Alt + Enter
  4. Type the second line
  5. If you have another lines to enter then again press Alt + Enter

Using this method, Data will automatically wrap the text and adjust the row which you want.

Another way to wrap text in a cell is to format the cells, so that data will automatically wrap as per the column width.

Here’s another option:

  1. Select the cells that you want to apply a wrapped text format
  2. From the Format menu select Cells and then the Alignment tab
  3. Put a check mark in the Wrap Text option and click Ok

Using this method data will automatically wrap the text to a new line base on the column width and row height.

The advantage of the first method is that you can force the line break wherever you want.

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