Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are best way to navigate cell or enter formulas more quickly. Most essential shortcut keys are below.

  • Ctrl + Down/Up Arrow : Moves to the top or bottom cell of the current column
  • Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow : Moves to the cell furthest or right in the current row
  • Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up Arrow : Selects all the cells above or below the current cell
  • Shift+F11 : Creates a new blank worksheet within your workbook
  • F2 : opens the cell for editing
  • Ctrl + Home : Navigates to the first cell that contains data
  • Ctrl + End : Navigates to the last cell that contains data
  • Alt + = : Autosums the cells above the current cell
  • Alt + E > S > V : Paste Values to the selected cell
  • Ctrl + Tab : Cycles through open workbooks
  • Ctrl + Page Up/Down : Cycles through open worksheets
  • Ctrl + ‘+’ : Insert the column/row
  • Ctrl + ‘-‘ : Delete the column/row

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