Sum Cells based on Background/Fill Color

As we all know that MS Excel has no formula or feature to calculate such a thing to calculate cells on their background color. Here, explained one methods that will help you to achieve this.

To make the task more clear let’s make a sheet as per below image.


Here we don’t need the total sum of all elements but we need the sum of elements that have the same background color.

Steps: This steps is much faster and better.

For this task we can use a small UDF (User Defined Function) which will fo the trick for us. This function does not return the color name but it returns the color index which is also a unique value and can be used in our task.

  • Open Worksheet
  • Fill as per above background color or whatever you want
  • Press Alt + F1 to open the VBA or Right click on sheet name and select View Code.
  • Navigate the Insert > Module


  • Type the following ‘SumByColor‘ UDF in the editor


=SumByColor(Cell_with_background_color_that_you_wish_to_sum, Range_to_e_summed_up)

  • Now enter the function ‘SumByColor‘ as formula
  • After that, drag this formula to the whole range.


So, This is all from this topic.

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