Display Multiple Lines in a Cell

Sometimes the text for your column heading is wider than the data in the column. A column heading require a much wider column than the numeric data below it and need lot of space. Rather than having a column that is too wide just to accommodate your heading, you can split your heading into multiple lines within a single cell.

Here’s one option:

  1. Select the cell where you want the heading to appear
  2. Type the first line of data
  3. Press Alt + Enter
  4. Type the second line
  5. If you have another lines to enter then again press Alt + Enter

Using this method, Data will automatically wrap the text and adjust the row which you want.

Another way to wrap text in a cell is to format the cells, so that data will automatically wrap as per the column width.

Here’s another option:

  1. Select the cells that you want to apply a wrapped text format
  2. From the Format menu select Cells and then the Alignment tab
  3. Put a check mark in the Wrap Text option and click Ok

Using this method data will automatically wrap the text to a new line base on the column width and row height.

The advantage of the first method is that you can force the line break wherever you want.

Quick Number Formatting with Keyboard Shortcut

At times keyboard shortcut seem random, but there is logic behind them. to format a number as a currency, percentage etc.

  • Ctrl + ! : Format as Number with decimal point two (eg. 2.50)
  • Ctrl + @ : Format as Time (eg. 12:00 PM)
  • Ctrl + # : Format as Date (eg. 02-Jan-00)
  • Ctrl + $ : Format as Currency (eg. $2.50)
  • Ctrl + % : Format as Percentage (eg. 250%)
  • Ctrl + ^ : Format as Scientific (eg. 2.50E+00)

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Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are best way to navigate cell or enter formulas more quickly. Most essential shortcut keys are below.

  • Ctrl + Down/Up Arrow : Moves to the top or bottom cell of the current column
  • Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow : Moves to the cell furthest or right in the current row
  • Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up Arrow : Selects all the cells above or below the current cell
  • Shift+F11 : Creates a new blank worksheet within your workbook
  • F2 : opens the cell for editing
  • Ctrl + Home : Navigates to the first cell that contains data
  • Ctrl + End : Navigates to the last cell that contains data
  • Alt + = : Autosums the cells above the current cell
  • Alt + E > S > V : Paste Values to the selected cell
  • Ctrl + Tab : Cycles through open workbooks
  • Ctrl + Page Up/Down : Cycles through open worksheets
  • Ctrl + ‘+’ : Insert the column/row
  • Ctrl + ‘-‘ : Delete the column/row

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