Quickly Get a List of Installed Drivers

When you are troubleshooting, you need number of drivers installed on your computer but you didn’t get easily. This steps will help you to get the list of installed drivers on your computer.


  • Go to Start Menu
  • Choose Run and type cmd
  • Command prompt window will appear
  • Then type driverquery
  • This will give you  a list of drivers installed on your computer


If you want to export the list to a MS Excel file as .csv format just follow the steps:

  • Go to Start Menu
  • Choose Run and type cmd
  • Command prompt window will appear
  • Then type driverquery /v /fo csv > drivers.csv
  • This will give you  a list of drivers installed on your computer in excel file
  • Now locate the directory and you found the drivers.csv file

Default directory is C:\Users\username

Let us know what we have missed in the comments.

Enable Copy/Paste in Command Prompt

One of the main advantage of this will be help you to copy and paste any text directly in CMD. By default Windows do not allow users to copy and paste text into Command Prompt. But there is an option in CMD to enable copy/paste.

  1. Open CMD (Command Prompt)
  2. Right click on the title of the CMD window
  3. Select Properties
  4. One pop-up window will appear, now on the right hand side, under Options check on Quick Edit Mode
  5. Click Ok and Everything is done


Now copy/paste any text from anywhere using Ctrl + C keys and paste it into CMD. The text is been pasted. Also, you can copy text from CMD and paste it to anywhere.

Important: Using Ctrl + C to copy text is important.

I hope this will help some of you.